Matt Mays & El Torpedo
Country / Rock // By Hugh / 1 June, 2006
Having a mild obsession as of late with the songstyles of Hawksley Workman, it’s only natural that I perused the songstyles of his similar artists, as defined by last.fm. But with all those artists to choose from, where do you go, how do you start? If you’re anything like me, you pick the one with the most interesting band name, and for me, that meant Matt Mays & El Torpedo.
Despite the fact that I obviously was going against the adage of “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” my choice did not disappoint whatsoever. These Canadian fellows play a fine blend of country-rock, easy on the country. This is another case of little innovation remedied by rampant awesomeness, especially Mays’ vocals, and everything blends together so perfectly that it’s hard to remember that this is their debut album. Although the only things they have in common with Hawksley Workman are the rocking tunes and their Canadian nationality (and the fact that I love them), I couldn’t be more pleased with how last.fm comes up with similar artists.
From Matt Mays & El Torpedo
Cocaine Cowgirl (Music video)
On The Hood (Music video)