Mischief Brew
Folk / Punk // By Doug / 12 July, 2006
With just an acoustic guitar, Erik Petersen has the power to invoke crowd surfing. But whether alone and unamped or with a full backing band, Mischief Brew performs the most exciting folk-punk anthems you will probably ever hear.
For his latest release, Songs From Under the Sink, he drops some of the gypsy sounds that were creeping into his music on Smash the Windows, in favor of a more simple sound where his voice is the main attraction and his guitar both drives the melody and functions as percussion. The songs are technically not new; he’s been playing them at shows for a while now, but has finally deigned to encode them onto plastic.
Erik also runs a small record label, Fistolo Records, with his wife. If you find his music intriguing, you will probably need a new pair of trousers after looking at this label’s catalog.
From Songs From Under the Sink
Thanks, Bastards! – (MP3, 3.2 MB)
From Smash the Windows
A Liquor Never Brewed (with Guignol) – (MP3, 3.1 MB)
From Bakenal
Devil of a Time – (MP3, 5.3 MB)