Bishop Allen
Pop / Rock // By Hugh / 16 August, 2006
In the olden days (known as two months ago), I didn’t want to post about Bishop Allen because it seemed everyone else already was. In modern times (known as today), it seems that if I don’t, we’ll be the only blog that hasn’t written about them. While uniqueness is usually a good thing, being uniquely demented never is. Not mentioning Bishop Allen would put us in this uniquely demented category, and what a shame that would be!
While their debut album Charm School is full of catchy pop hooks sweeter than your neighborhood candyshop, their EP-a-month project has usually culminated songs that are somewhat slower. The notable exception to this “rule” is the track they offered from their latest EP, Click Click Click Click. Though the introduction reminded me of John Vanderslice, it kicked into high-energy, catchy-as-all-hell Bishop Allen mode soon enough. It’s my favorite from their EPs as of yet, but they’ve got five more months to get through and so there isn’t any definitive answer to be had yet. They have five more free songs from their older EPs, which you can get if you’re so inclined.
From EPs
Click Click Click Click – (MP3, 4.1 MB)
The Same Fire – (MP3, 6.4 MB)
From Charm School
Busted Heart – (MP3, 5.3 MB)
Things Are What You Make Of Them – (MP3, 4.5 MB)