The Rural Alberta Advantage
Folk / Indie / Rock // By Hugh / 19 January, 2007
It doesn’t usually take too much to gain entrance into our not-very-coveted “premium blogs” section; mostly, it just means I’ve leeched the site for music and found at least three or four bands that I liked. In the case of i (heart) music, their post about The Rural Alberta Advantage was enough. On occasion, I will chastise a band for changing their sound, but that’s when they take their good, previous sound, and warp it into some mess that doesn’t please me one bit. The Rural Alberta Advantage does not deserve that chastisement, because when they change their sound, it’s to another good sound. The Dethbridge In Lethbridge is about as indie rock as 2006 gets, while The City throws a bit more folk into the mix, and Expand/Contract throws even more folk in. Though it makes me wonder, if they were to change their sound even more, would I still like them? Only time will tell, but until then, enjoy the tunes.
The Dethbridge In Lethbridge – (MP3, 3.1 MB)
The City – (MP3, 2.8 MB)
Expand/Contract – (MP3, 5.1 MB)