Scream Club
Rap / Hip-Hop // By Hugh / 3 February, 2007
I haven’t posted about any folk artists lately, and supposedly, this is a good thing. So while I plan a folk invasion that will put all of you to sleep, here is some Scream Club to wake you up. While there isn’t any screaming to be found on this album, hip-hop is always something of a club, with songs featuring artists here and there. This particular album has guest appearances from Mirah and Beth Ditto of The Gossip. One thing which I find quite amusing about this band is the lyrics; if Scream Club didn’t consist of two ladies, some of their lyrics would be seen as quite misogynist. For instance, “I wake in the morning, take off your britches, dress you like a French maid and watch you do the dishes!” Ah well! So long as I can laugh at that without being called a chauvinist asshole, then I am happy. Also, this is our 100th post! Woohoo.
From The Scissors To The Metal Remix
And You Belong (Ben Adorable Remix) – (MP3, 6 MB)
Dead Wrong featuring Mirah (Ben Adorable Remix) – (MP3, 2.8 MB)
If You Want It featuring Beth Ditto (Ben Adorable Remix) (MP3, 4.7 MB)