I read about Reed KD on 3hive a week ago, and since then he has caused a bit of a blogging buzz. Once again, it seems that I am too late in writing about a band! Maybe I’ll have better luck next time. Anyway, the song Empty Bottles bears more than a passing resemblance to Elliott Smith‘s music, what with it being a slow, acoustic number about how times are hard. Then there are songs like Even If I which is more upbeat, although I can’t think of any legitimate musical comparisons for it! I guess I could be like every other blogger in the world and say “oh, it has a harmonica, he must be really into Bob Dylan!” Oh well, they’re both enjoyable tunes in their own way, and all the useless crap I write won’t change that.
From The Ashes Bloom
Empty Bottles – (MP3, 2.9 MB)
Even If I – (MP3, 3.5 MB)