Ho ho ho, it is that time once again where I write about a bunch of enjoyable artists that don’t have too many songs posted around on the wild woolly world, or the Internet as it is better known. I tend to take extended hiatuses and then do a flurry of posts, as if to make up for it. We probably lost three of our regular readers in the last hiatus, which is probably about half of them. Maybe those writers I brought on board to fill in these gaps will do something, eh? But until then, enjoy the tunes as they come in.
Fern Knight – Sundew – (MP3, 4 MB)
While checking my e-mail one day, quite some time ago, I was quite excited to see an e-mail from Margie Wienk. For those of you who do not nerd out on folk music quite so much as I do, she was on Espers’ debut album, and on my favorite Greg Weeks album, Blood Is Trouble. Anyhow, Ms. Wienk herself is a band called Fern Knight, which I hadn’t really paid much attention to, which I felt somewhat ashamed for after listening to the song she included in the e-mail, Sundew. You owe it to yourself to check it out if you dig modern, but traditional, folk music.
Jeri Rossi – I Left My Heart But I Don’t Know Where – (MP3, 3.2 MB)
I’m not going to claim to know anything about this artist, but this song is absolutely outstanding. If you can make it past the first 25 seconds of weirdness, you can tell it’s about to kick into an awesome song… and it does! It sounds like 70s noisepunk, which apparently sounds awesome.
Man Man – Top Drawer – (MP3, 4 MB)
Man Man’s last album clocked in at a respectable #12 on our (well, my) best of 2006 list. Their latest album, where Top Drawer comes from, won’t make my best of 2008 list, but that’s because there’s not more songs like this on the album.
Maria Taylor – A Good Start – (MP3, 1.9 MB)
last.fm has been on my ass lately about recommending Maria Taylor, better-known as half as the band Azure Ray, to me lately. After finally getting her albums, I can see why. Enjoyable anti-folk.
Neko Case – If You Knew – (MP3, 5.7 MB)
I’m not sure why I didn’t fall in love with Neko Case the first time I heard her solo music, but regardless, I am thoroughly in love with it now. This song single-handedly got me over my last breakup, and for that, I am forever grateful.
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – Think I Wanna Die – (MP3, 3.9 MB)
This song is the only one I like on SSLYBY’s new album, but that’s OK. A paradoxically upbeat and catchy song with clearly a depressing theme.
Your Funeral – I Wanna Be You – (MP3, 2.5 MB)
Another artist I know nothing about. Either way, old punk music is great and anyone who thinks otherwise is just a damn goober.