Leerone @ SXSW
Pop // By Hugh / 19 March, 2009
Leerone is another lady I’ve posted about before, but she’s easily one of the nicest people I’ve met through this accursed blog so hey, why not write about her again? To quote from what I said back then:
“She’s from California and mixes her slightly unpredictable piano ballads with her lovely voice. That voice will help for those among you who don’t like or can’t get into songs that surprise you with the musical turns that they make. For instance, her song Care For Some Whiskey? has the catchy pop vibes that would make it on mainstream radio, but it is nowhere near formulaic enough.”
She’s going to be at SXSW this year, and is performing tomorrow, so in case you’re down at SXSW and reading this from your laptop, you can go see her too. Here’s the details for her show:
Friday, March 20th @ 5pm
Vintage Lounge
504 B Trinity
Austin, TX 78701
If you haven’t heard any of her songs, I’ve posted one of my favorites, and her new video as well. Now go see her, and tell her Hugh sent you, damnit!
From Imaginary Biographies
Care For Some Whiskey? – (MP3, 3.4 MB)