We’re back!
News // By AJ / 10 April, 2011
I bet you didn’t even notice we were gone. To which I say: shame on you! I hope you keep better watch on more important things.
Anyhoo, the point is, we are back and kicking! Relatively. Our old host went down the gurgler, but I’ve resuscitated the site and all its posts, thanks to our good friend, kol. We are not reliant on his server anymore though, so there shouldn’t be any extended downtime as I am hosting it myself. Also, we got a fancy domain name too! Having said that, the domain and the even newer hosting aren’t quite ready, so you’ll have to make do with another subdomain.
either/or is back again, and we’ve got a new theme. I have built this from the ground up with the assistance of Dan from Logic & Trick to integrate it with WordPress. I hope you like it! If you have suggestions, please don’t hesitate to pass them along: this is the first time I’ve done a WordPress theme and I’m afraid that I’m a total newbie at it. As well as that, let me know if you find any bugs.
With any luck, we might be just a tad bit more frequent with our posts, but there’s no guarantees! Good music doesn’t just float by every day, y’know. As usual, if you have any music you think we’d like, or like to promote (if we like it, that is), then feel free to post a comment on this post (we will have a proper email system up eventually).
In the meantime, welcome and enjoy! Hugh and I hope to keep you filled to brim with good, wholesome tunes.