I’d been meaning to write about Starflyer 59 for a long time now. They have languished in draft form on this website for far too long, so here they finally get the chance to shine. Full disclosure: having been smitten by the sound of their album, Leave Here a Stranger, they will certainly feature again on either/or.
Anyway, Night Music presents itself as a wonderfully mellowed out rock tune, but with just enough stuff in it to keep it feeling rather unique. Like Yuck’s music, it leans on the elements that comprise the shoegaze genre without quite going all the way over to that camp. Unlike Yuck, Starflyer 59 have a distinctly American feel, bringing a kind of effortless ease to the vocals, instead of the more harsh (and at times grating) vocalisations born from the Brit punk/rock eras. Whatever that means! It’s probably easier to understand if you listened to it.