I may be getting into more and more rap and hip/hop these days, but I do have my limits. Some delightful friends of mine decided to link me to this the other day, which is quite possibly the worst song I’ve ever heard. I’d rather listen to a cover version of the Macarena done by Alvin and his little, irritating rat-faced brothers than listen to Rack Rack City again.
The original version of Bitches Ain’t Shit probably has to go into the ‘do not want’ category as well, if only for the lyrics alone. And yet, when Ben Folds puts a melancholic, indie-rock spin on the song, it becomes perfectly delightful and entertaining. Even hilarious! After all, when you’re hearing lyrics like “lick all these nuts and suck the dick”, accompanied by a gentle piano and sung in a very gentle way by a nerdy white guy, you can’t help but laugh. Also, it’s probably weird that I know the lyrics off by heart, thanks to this song. I just don’t sing it out loud.