Posted in: September 2012

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One of the best things ever is Scott Pilgrim: the graphic novel series, the film, and the eponymous character. While I’d love to sit here and believe that Sex Bob-Omb are a real group who wrote this tune, it was actually Beck who did it. Kudos where kudos is due. It’s a kickin’ bit of buzzing guitar, thumping bass and… drums. Sorry, I’ve run out of adjectives! Point is, it’s pretty awesome, and besides, how could you say no to a group called Sex Bob-Omb?

Threshold by Sex Bob-omb on Grooveshark

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Too busy to look at either/or this week? Can’t be bothered scrolling down? Well, here’s the week’s worth of posts in one handy list!

Hitoshi Sakimoto – Ozmone Plain
The Whispertown 2000 – Done With Love
Mercury Rev – Goddess on a Hiway
Jack White – Love is Blindness
Isolation Years – Moses
The Beatles – Real Love
Mason Jennings – Moon Sailing on the Water

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Mason Jennings is another fella that I’m a big fan of. He’s got a damned soulful voice that would make a weaker, perhaps drunk man, cry. His music is usually pretty acoustic and chilled out, though the lyrics tend to be on the more depressing side so it might not be the ideal bedtime music. It would probably be helpful with the ladies, so in that sense, it may indeed be ideal for bedtime. I don’t know any of those kind, sensitive ladies, so it won’t do me any good! But for those of you do, play this song and watch them swoon!

Moon Sailing On The Water by Mason Jennings on Grooveshark

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We have something a little special planned regarding the Beatles coming up, but I thought it might be nice to highlight one of their very last songs because let’s face it: they’re pretty damn awesome. Seriously, they are amazing. I cannot under-emphasise how big a fan of their music I am!

Anyway, this tune is one of Lennon’s recordings that went undiscovered for a quite a while. After Lennon died, the remaining Beatles came together to ‘finish’ the track. It is quite a lovely track, and the video gives a wonderful finality to the Beatles works.

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I’m really glad that we have devolved to being ok with streaming music instead of offering downloads, because there are so many bands I love that I can post about now! Isolation Years is a Swedish band that writes English lyrics better than people who speak English as their native language. As one of those guys who generally listens to music first and buys CDs if they’re good, I’m proud to say I own every damn Isolation Years album. I’d like to just post all of their songs, but AJ might chop off my boy parts and feed them to warthogs! He doesn’t even have a warthog and would have to go to a lot of trouble to find one, so that just wouldn’t be nice of me. To save us all some trouble, I picked one of my favorites. I don’t want any spoilers, but let’s just say you don’t want to be the Moses in this song!

Well, I certainly wouldn’t be THAT mean! – AJ

Moses by Isolation Years on Grooveshark

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There is a pretty swanky film adaptation of the novel The Great Gatsby on the way from Baz Luhrmann (of Moulin Rouge! and Romeo + Juliet fame). This tune featured in its trailer.

Now, I am certainly no fan of U2 or Jack White, so I wasn’t exactly clued into the history of this song when I first heard it, but I was certainly blown away when I found out. It is super rad! Who would’ve thought a product born from two things I didn’t really like could create something I very much like? While the original version is a rather sedated and muted affair, Jack White’s cover is animalistic: it’s primal and wild and totally doesn’t like the kind of stuff you’d associated with either group.

Love Is Blindness by Jack White on Grooveshark

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I was going through my music directory and went, hey, Mercury Rev! I remember they have some good songs (since why else would I keep them around?) and start digging to find the gold. It’s actually their most popular song, but we’ll say I was digging really hard anyway! It’s as catchy as STDs at a brothel when you have coupons, and just makes me wonder, where the heck is this goddess off to? Unfortunately, the song does not answer this question! Fortunately, it does not reduce my enjoyment of it one bit.

Goddess On A Hiway by Mercury Rev on Grooveshark

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This here’s a band that was recommended to me by good ‘ol, probably due to it knowing I have a thing for cute ladies who can sing. Mind readers, I tell you. They claim they are done with love, but what they really mean is that they have not met me yet. I am out of useless verbiage now, so just listen to the damn song and enjoy it and go on with your day, alright? Thanks.

Done With Love by The Whispertown 2000 on Grooveshark

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You know what we haven’t had in a while? Video game music! This piece comes from Final Fantasy XII, a game I’ve not played (a fact true for all the Final Fantasy games). It’s a rather whimsical and high-spirited piece; since I know nothing about the game series, I assume there’s some fantasy involved???

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Too busy to look at either/or this week? Can’t be bothered scrolling down? Well, here’s the week’s worth of posts in one handy list!

Supergrass – Richard III
Nirvana – All Apologies
Emmy the Great – We Almost Had a Baby
The Good Fridays – The Ferret Song
The Foreign Films – Sweet Sorrow
Earlimart – Burning the Cow
Kori Pop – Billie