Posted in: July 2015

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Allow me, if you please, to continue this pretence that I am patriotic with yet another post about an Australian group. Though perhaps I have not stretched that particular sentiment very far, considering they’re performing a cover of a rather famous English DJ’s tune. No matter! Despite the compositional simplicity of Praise You, it’s always been an indelibly catchy, toe-tapping kind of song. And, because it’s yet another tune in the oeuvre of musical history that is comprised solely of pre-existing samples, it’s not one that tends to get trotted out for live performances. But The Belligerents manage to maintain the spark of the original, and give it the pep that only a live performance can bring – there’s something almost Courtney Taylor-Taylor-ish in that screaming falsetto.

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Who wants new music? You do! Who doesn’t want new music? Fussy, tottering old ninnies, that’s who! Y’all have my home country of Australia to thank for this exquisitely bitchin’ piece of psychedelic rock, though “exquisitely bitchin'” doesn’t even begin to describe it. It is a thunderingly good bit of alternative rock, sounding a little bit like a mystical version of The Superjesus (who are, incidentally, another Australian rock band). Is ‘headbangingly catchy’ an adequate enough description? No matter: there’s no doubt that ol’ Lurchy and Chiefy are about to explode all over the airwaves, and deservedly so!