Hawksley Workman is one of the very few artists that I find randomly on last.fm and proceed to enjoy thoroughly. Most of his earlier music, i.e. the songs that aren’t on Treeful Of Starling, is largely multi-layered, chock full of small details, whereas his newer music (i.e. Treeful Of Starling) is largely stripped-down. In that sense, he’s kind of like a Elliott Smith in reverse (who’s music got more detailed as he got more money to spend on it). Not that that’s a bad thing; I just wanted to work in an Elliott Smith reference.

Workman’s site apparently features no MP3s, but there’s music videos and that’s good enough for me. Striptease and Jealous Of Your Cigarette are my favorites of those listed below, so check ’em first.

From (Last Night We Were) The Delicious Wolves
Jealous Of Your Cigarette (Music video)
Striptease (Music video)

From Lover/Fighter
Anger As Beauty (Music video)