Says She’s Ms. Blat
Cabaret // By Hugh / 23 September, 2009
It is interesting to see what one learns about themselves from their music blogs. I have learned that try as I might, and no matter how much good music gets thrown my way, I will still sit on it much like a toilet after too many burritos. Now that that pleasant image is in your mind, I would like to introduce you to New York’s Says She’s Ms. Blat. They play cabaret music in the style it was always (or at least originally) intended to be: entertaining! Between their spirited and sexy vocalist/keyboardist Lottie and drummer Bret, they’ve made an album that’s never too dark and never too light, not to mention never boring! Everything is properly balanced, and the lyrics are as sassy as you might expect (especially on their song Poseurs.) All in all, an album so well-done that you can’t believe they haven’t been signed to a label. It makes me wish I had one, to say the least.
And here’s videos of So Long! (If I Had More Money) and Not Sorry, some of the many standouts of the album.