Bright Eyes
Folk / Indie // By Hugh / 3 August, 2006
There are those who would disagree with my classification of Bright Eyes as anything but emo, but they can be largely ignored. While they do have some songs that could indeed be classified as emo, notably Padriac My Prince, that album came out eight years ago and can’t realistically be used to describe the band’s more current sound. While Bright Eyes’ sound does not change drastically album-to-album, I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning could pass as intelligent country while Digital Ash In A Digital Urn is more like depressing pop… in a good way.
To borrow some more of Ant’s vernacular, unlike my ever-so-delightful colleague, I include media in my little articles. The tracks have small file sizes due to low bitrate (especially on the new ones), but they were lo-fi songs to begin with and at least they’re complete songs. Inexplicably, Haligh, Haligh, A Lie, Haligh has a fairly standard bitrate, so get that one if you’re one of those self-proclaimed audiophile types.
From Digital Ash In A Digital Urn
Take It Easy (Love Nothing) – (MP3, 0.8 MB)
Gold Mine Gutted – (MP3, 0.9 MB)
From I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning
Lua – (MP3, 1 MB)
We Are Nowhere And It’s Now – (MP3, 1 MB)
From Lifted
Lover I Don’t Have To Love – (MP3, 1.8 MB)
From Fevers And Mirrors
Something Vague – (MP3, 1.6 MB)
Haligh, Haligh, A Lie, Haligh – (MP3, 4.3 MB)