![Album art](http://f.bandcamp.com/z/24/64/2464743718-1.jpg)
It is time to bust open this place with a dose of rock infused pop stylings! I’m finding it a bit hard to get into a lot of pop these days, particularly what’s coming out of the indie scene. To me, it feels like they’re trying too hard to have this ‘yeah, totally don’t care and you’re gonna hear about it’ attitude, and it comes across as a little pretentious and over the top. Much like my writing. As such, it’s really nice when you hear something and it just makes you bop your head, which is evidently the universal indicator of good music.
The Demos fit firmly in that head-bopping category. It’s just really fun to listen to, or effortlessly listenable to get a bit more technical. Their music kind of reminds me of Beulah’s more upbeat tunes (like Weight of My Tears) with a pinch of the Dandy Warhols for good measure.
Guess what: I actually have an MP3 for you! Gadzooks, it is one of those days, folks. Like a lot of my posts lately, they are also featured on Bandcamp, which means free streaming music or a dirt-cheap downloadable option.
From Lovely
Veronica – (Bandcamp – hit Download track and choose a format)
Nervous – (Bandcamp)
Daydream – (Bandcamp)