Posted in: April 2006

Album art

After being ordered to investigate one of their songs (that one being In the Waiting Line), I found myself wanting to check out more! Which I did, of course. What I bring for you today is the album Simple Things, which is simply overflowing with wonderfully soulful, jazz-tastic, electronic-y, chillout tunes for those lonely city nights.

The music itself isn’t mechanised to the point of it being harsh: it retains a gentle brilliance through the use of actual instruments *gasp*, which is a welcome change from most electronically influenced music. Most humbling, I would say and definitely worth a look, especially I Have Seen and Give It Away.

From Simple Things
In the Waiting Line – YouTube
Give it Away – YouTube
I Have Seen – YouTube

Album art

Once upon a time, I was feeling disappointment with myself for never having made it to a single concert for anything resembling one of my favorite bands. I was soon feeling even more disappointment because I thought none of my favorite bands were playing anymore. That is, until I heard mention of a new Quasi album on of all places. Sweet, sweet salvation.

At first listen, I wasn’t exactly sure what to think; their older stuff is fairly quiet and though they’ve gotten more aggressive with their music over the years, When The Going Gets Dark opens with their most hard-hitting sounds yet. Strangely, after a few more listens through, it doesn’t seem all that much louder. All-in-all, a worthy successor to Hot Shit (which I thought was great, save for the spoken word on White Devil’s Dream). As for myself, well, I’m just glad that they’re still together.


From Hot Shit
Drunken Tears (MP3, 4.6 MB)

From The Sword Of God
It’s Raining (MP3, 4.3 MB)