For some reason, I more or less forgot about my drive to post a bunch of songs from the KRS label. It is high time to continue the trend with The Gossip, whose songs have the energy of Sleater-Kinney and Le Tigre, which, it just so happens, are both bands that The Gossip has opened for. They can slow it down if need be, if Coal To Diamonds off their latest, Standing In The Way Of Control, is any indication. They are, in my opinion, one of those bands that is better than the bands they open for (such as The Features, who opened for Kings Of Leon a while back). To summarize, if you like your rock loud and fast, listen to the gossip and listen to The Gossip.


From Standing In The Way Of Control
Standing In The Way Of Control – (MP3, 4.9 MB)

From Movement
Fire / Sign – (MP3, 2.9 MB)