Michele Wylen
Electronic / Pop // By Hugh / 12 February, 2007
Michele Wylen is one of those singers you listen to and think “wow, she must be really popular.” Then you Google her not-very-common name and she manages to be #4, which is something of a travesty, considering how lovely and smooth her voice is (think Mirah). Throw in some keyboards, synths, and the occasional percussion (Sweet Subtlety has a handclap beat throughout most of it), and you’ve got some goddamn songs, man. It’s true that vocals will make or break songs for me, but if her voice on Loopy doesn’t do it for you, nothing will, ever. The rest of this EP is on her webpage, too.
From Demo EP 2006
Loopy – (MP3, 3.2 MB)
Diamonds – (MP3, 3.3 MB)
Room For Two – (MP3, 3.8 MB)
Sweet Subtlety – (MP3, 3.3 MB)