I wrote about The Interiors nearly two years ago, but things have changed since then, as well they should. Back in those days, they only had a three-song demo, but what a demo it was! Songs like The Bug and I’m So Happy blew my mind in the greatest of ways. As for the present, their self-titled debut will be released in a mere ten days on 54-40 or Fight (who released a great Pseudosix album, among others). As I am with every band that starts with a demo and then moves on to a full-length, I was worried that they’d take the good songs from the demo, add in some mediocre songs, and call it an album. Thankfully, that isn’t the case!

That isn’t to say there aren’t some songs on the album that I don’t particularly care for, but at least they’ve added some great ones. Wingman and Ghosts, for instance, are completely awesome rock songs. Highly intense songs that don’t go over the top, and not going over the top is very important if you don’t want to annoy people. Modern classics like The Bug and I’m So Happy are for those who get rocked most by lyrical prowess. All in all, expect to see this on my great albums of ’08 list, assuming I ever get around to making one!


From The Interiors
Wingman – (MP3, 4.9 MB)