I don’t really know how to start this post, but uhm, Ryan Gosling is one of my favorite actors. I’ve been trying to watch more of his movies recently, as a good fan should! That is how I learned the man can sing and play instruments, and listening to them on YouTube informed me that he actually has a goshdanged band! They certainly do not sound anything like what you might expect from a band with a movie star, which is to say they are pretty darn good. This song in particular mentions zombies a million times and has backing vocals by a whole damned children’s choir. To top it off, it sounds to me like a love song. It is definitely different and almost certainly awesome.  I need to learn some instruments so I can sing it to some zombie-lovin’ ladies (i.e. the best kind).

My Body's a Zombie for You by Dead Man's Bones on Grooveshark