The Mad Caddies
Punk / Rock / Ska // By Doug / 1 February, 2007
I believe this band goes without saying, but since their label’s giving out choice MP3s, I had better use the opportunity to spread them about some more.
They are essentially a punk-ska band with a penchant for flamboyant horn lines, led by some dudes who aren’t even all that into ska. The result is albums that do not follow the typical ska cliches, and which are so brimming with brass bravado that it completely does not matter that you cannot understand anything he is saying. When the Mad Caddies are playing, it is time to dance, and that is just how it goes.
They are about to embark on a rather lengthy tour, and are putting out a new record soon. In the meantime, try out a sampling from every record (barring their debut Quality Soft Core, as it was under a different label). If you like your pop-punk more than your ska, consider anything off of The Holiday Has Been Cancelled or Rock the Plank (the latter is also good if you enjoy the occasional pirate-y tune). And as for me, I do not think a better record could have been made than Duck and Cover, but they come close with their most recent studio work on Just One More. I am hoping against logic that they can somehow continue this trend.
From Duck and Cover
Macho Nachos – (MP3, 4.6 MB)
From Just One More
Villains – (MP3, 3.2 MB)
From Rock the Plank
Mary Melody – (MP3, 4.4 MB)
From Live From Toronto: Songs In The Key Of Eh
Drinking for 11 (live) – (MP3, 5.2 MB)
From The Holiday Has Been Cancelled
Something’s Wrong at the Playground – (MP3, 3.0 MB)