Unlike those other fancy blogs, we’re not ones to make a best of post using songs that came out during the year. We’re too hipster for that! Instead, here is a selection of our favourite tunes that we posted about this year. Happy end of 2012, folks!
AJ’s favourites for 2012, in no particular order

Kori Pop – Billie
We had a bit of a Canadian overload at some point in 2012, and what an utterly fantastic artist to find in that mix. Billie is a blend of country and pop, with a delightfully hand made aesthetic to it all: the CD of hers I bought was adorned with an adorable thank you card that (I assume) she created!

Robert Francis – Heroin Lovers
Sometimes, Hugh is good for something. Only kidding, you are good for everything, pal! No sooner after Hugh had posted about Robert Francis that I discovered this song and consequently posted it the next day. Yes, I loved it that much! Heroin Lovers is an alt. country tune that’s wonderfully catchy. Just like heroin I guess?

Adele – Skyfall
I got called all manner of names when I happened to mention that I’d never heard any of Adele’s music (hipster, liar, etc), but being as how this was recorded for the James Bond film of the same name, then I most definitely was going to hear her sooner than later. The James Bond title themes have been a bit ropey of late (Jack White and Alicia Keys, what the heck guys!), but Skyfall puts the series back where it belongs: sweeping, grandiose, and passionate.

Marvin and the Cloud Wall – Sweet Heartache
For a guy that doesn’t like country, I sure as heck liked a lot of country music this year. For Sweet Heartache, I shall coin the genre “RoboCountry”, because it sounds badass and also because it’s country rock infused with an electronic beat.

Can’t Stop Won’t Stop – Up and Away
Well, who’d have thought a bit of rap would make my best of, hmm? Certainly not I, and I’m the one writing it! Having lyrics that aren’t about bitches and hoes certainly helped, but this tune is also outrageously upbeat.

Sarah Jarosz – Run Away
Coming in at the last minute is Run Away, an utterly gorgeous bit of… country. Dangit! Turns out 2012 was the year of country music for me. No matter: if its as amazing as this, then bring it on!
Hugh’s favourites for 2012, in no particular order

Metric – Lost Kitten
I have wanted to make babies with Emily Haines for some time, and this song did not do anything to dissuade me. Why a random song would dissuade me from such a notion is up for debate, but whatever. WHATEVER, MAN. It’s so freakin’ good!

Sharon Van Etten – Serpents
That’s weird, another singer I’d like to have babies with. That never happens to me… oh wait, yes it does, just about every time. This song came out this year, but I wouldn’t want to sit on this one for 10 years like I do with most of my songs. It’s one of the more up-tempo folk songs I’ve heard, and basically all around amazing.

Perfume Genius – Learning
I imagine many people would find this song depressing, and they would be right! It would fit right in at a funeral. It’s one of the most overtly sad songs I’ve ever heard, but every aspect of it is beautiful.

Vic Chesnutt – Flirted With You All My Life
Here’s another exceedingly depressing (yet amazingly beautiful song). It starts off making you think it’s a love song, and then you realize it’s about death and go “oh snap!” That sly bastard.

Coeur de Pirate – Adieu
The third lady on this list, and the third I would like to make babies with. Are you seeing a trend?! In this case, I can’t understand a thing she says as she sings in French, but I can say that everything she sings sounds amazing. As a bonus, I’ve noticed that French music helps lull babies to sleep.
And that’s it for 2012!
Seems like we were able to keep up this post a day thing till the end of the year, so we’ll keep going with it in 2013. To anyone out there reading this, or anyone that liked any of our posts during the year: thanks! To all the artists, musicians and bands featured on either/or this year: bravo! You guys are totally rad!