It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to update this thing, and yet I rarely do. Oh well. As I promised a week ago, here is an oversized mix to shut up the three people who whine at me to update more. Due to its rather large nature, there are going to be some songs that you won’t like, but that’s not my problem. At least your bases will be covered, eh? Also, it’s a cat in an aeroplane.
Autumn Shade – Ezra Moon – (MP3, 4.7 MB)
This is a really nice piano-folk song, accompanied by violins and featuring quality female vocals. In other words, something nice to fall asleep to.
Avocadoclub – Too Much Space To Walk Away – (MP3, 3.8 MB)
This song is something of an anomaly as it’s mellow, catchy indie-pop… from Germany. Maybe I’m just a stereotypical bastard, but even that German version of “Barbie Girl” was kind of scary.
Blanche – Superstition – (MP3, 2.5 MB)
This song kind of reminds me of the Vandaveer song from my last mix, but not too much. That said, if you like banjo country-rock, as well you should, then this song is for you.
Bowerbirds – In Our Talons – (MP3, 4.4 MB)
This song has an accordion. That is all the description you need. If it doesn’t hook you within five seconds, then don’t bother.
Devendra Banhart – Quedate Luna – (MP3, 2.8 MB)
I’m fairly certain you’re all familiar with Devendra Banhart by now… here’s my favorite song of his.
Kid Dakota – So Pretty – (MP3, 4.7 MB)
If you like fuzzy guitars, well, good for you. This song has them, and enough awesomeness to feed an army.
Ljova – Bagel On The Malecon – (MP3, 2.7 MB)
This is a violin instrumental. That’s… about it. Pleasant, though.
Marissa Nadler – As I Lay In Death My Son – (MP3, 5.2 MB)
Marissa Nadler has the most excellent voice that was ever excellented. In addition to that, she is the queen of super-mellow folk songs. You can get a bunch more of her songs at her webpage, and you probably should.
Miho Hatori – Barracuda – (MP3, 3 MB)
For those of you who have heard of Manu Chao, this song could easily fit into their repertoire. If you haven’t heard Manu Chao, get this song, and you might as well have.
Ramona Cordova – Givers’ Reply – (MP3, 3.9 MB)
This is another mellow, catchy indie-pop tune. It starts off pretty damn mellow, but kicks it up after 90 seconds. Very nice tune, if you ask me.
Royal Treatment Plant – Funky – (MP3, 3.4 MB)
Royal fucking Treatment Plant. They are sometimes too awesome for their own good, with their kickin’ guitar riffs and sexy singing. I would have posted this song when I posted about the band previously, but for some reason didn’t like the song back then. I am an idiot, accordingly.
Space Mtn – Undermining – (MP3, 3.1 MB)
Here’s another excellent song from an excellent band I’ve written about before. Kind of mellow, but not enough to bore me.
The Shivers – Beauty – (MP3, 4 MB)
You could say this is a love song, because if it isn’t, then he says “love” a few dozen too many times. Their singer also sounds a lot like the singer for The National, which is always a good thing.
Thomas Lunch – Tator Tots & Robots – (MP3, 3.1 MB)
If you enjoy tator tots & robots, this is the song for you. Otherwise, it’s some enjoyable synth-rock.